Dainty Rice provides consumers with an affordable, sustainable grain and simple healthy recipe ideas for well-balanced meals. To generate awareness of (and interest in) Dainty Rice across Canada – with emphasis on Ontario and Western provinces while maintaining familiarity in Quebec – the development and execution of a brand awareness strategy was required.
Generate awareness about Dainty Rice’s products and how they're Canadian-milled, affordable, sustainable, and easy to make
Increase brand familiarity in lower-known provinces
Increase digital content with influencers and creators

The Journey
Throughout this campaign’s research phase, it was identified that established relationships with content creators would be necessary for sharing video assets, and digital ads would also play a vital role to the campaign’s success. Content was created to compliment Dainty’s teal branding while also focusing on the brand's subtle secondary colours.
CT worked with content creators and influencers to create video content that aligned the static image ads shared across multiple platforms. These assets played into five main themes highlighting Dainty Rice’s main attributes.